Top 10 Reasons for Failing a Driving Test

Top 10 Reasons for failing a UK Driving Test

Not making effective observations at junctions as follows

• Failing to judge the speed of an approaching vehicle

• Entering a roundabout with a vehicle approaching from the right

• Making no effective observations at all

• Making no observations when joining a dual carriageway from a slip road

• Going straight ahead at a crossroads

• Looking too late

• Repeatedly not looking left when turning left

Not using mirrors correctly when changing direction as follows

• Not using mirrors when exiting a roundabout

• Causing a vehicle to slow when changing lanes on a dual carriageway

• Trying to change lane on a roundabout when a vehicle is directly alongside

Not moving off safely

• Moving off from behind a parked vehicle into the path of an approaching vehicle

• Repeatedly moving off from the side of the road with no blind spot checks

• Pulling off from the right-hand side of the road, causing an oncoming vehicle to slow or stop

• Not making any rear observations when moving off following an emergency stop

Incorrect positioning when turning right at junctions 

• Positioning in the left-hand lane when turning right at a roundabout

• Obstructing traffic when you wait to turn right

• When you want to turn right at the end of the road, you incorrectly position to the left

Not having proper control of the steering 

• Repeatedly not steering enough or steering late on the approach to junctions when turning left

• Not steering enough when going around a bend

• Steering late when turning right into a minor road

• Repeatedly mounting the pavement when pulling up on the left

• Steering late when moving out to pass parked vehicles

Not responding appropriately to traffic lights 

• Failing to react to red traffic light

• Stopping after the first white line when there are advanced stop lines for cyclists

• Not progressing when you’re waiting to turn right at a junction and it’s safe to proceed

• Not going ahead when a green light is showing and the junction ahead is clear

• Going ahead when a green light is showing but the junction is not clear

Not responding correctly to traffic signs 

• Going to the wrong side of a ‘keep left’ sign

• Ignoring a ‘stop’ or ‘no entry’ sign

• Driving in a bus lane

• Choosing the wrong lane at a roundabout with clear signage

• Acting late or not at all to speed limit changes

Poor positioning on the road during normal driving 

• Repeatedly driving too close to the kerb or centre of the road

• Unnecessarily driving in the right-hand lane of a dual carriageway

• Cutting across the normal road position when you go ahead at a roundabout with no lane markings

Not responding correctly to road markings

• Not following direction arrows on the road

• Straddling lanes on a roundabout

• Crossing double white lines where the line nearer to you is solid

• Ignoring a box junction

• Not following road markings at mini-roundabouts

Not keeping control of the vehicle during reverse parking 

• Wheels ending up on the pavement at the end of a parallel park

• Too many attempts to reposition when parking

• Losing control of the car when parking in a bay

• Ending up parking outside of the bay